Adam Summers

Image of Adam Summers

Title: Assistant Professor of Animal Science, Cattle Physiology
Major Field of Interest: Reproductive Physiology, Fetal Programming
Office Phone: 575-646-1549
Office Location: Knox Hall 326

B. S., Animal Science, Utah State University, 2007
M.S., Animal Science (Ruminant Nutrition), Utah State University, 2009
Ph.D., Animal Science (Reproductive Physiology), University of Nebraska, 2012
Post-Doctorate - University of Nebraska, 2013

Courses Taught:
ANSC 250 Lambing Barn Management
ANSC 423 Animal Breeding
ANSC 428 Sheep/Wool Production
ANSC 480/580 Environmental Physiology of Domestic Animals

Research: Identification of strategic supplementation time points and nutrients during gestation to improve progeny growth, development and reproduction nutrition/reproduction interactions in the developing heifer impact of estrous synchronization on ovarian steroidogenesis and oocyte quality