Equine Science

Equine Minor in Animal Science
The equine science program at NMSU attracts students from all majors. Students gain experience in many diverse facets of the equine industry through coursework and extracurricular activities. Scientific understanding of equine concepts and hands-on interaction with horses are both essential for success in the equine industry. Coursework in the major and minor focuses on the science behind commonplace equine industry care and management practices. Laboratory sessions and extracurricular activities help students apply topics learned in the classroom to the real world. The equine program strives to develop and offer many opportunities for students to see the bigger picture and be able to make sound decisions for the equine industry as future leaders.

Equine Courses Offered
The equine faculty are diverse and bring many strengths to classroom and laboratory. We continually critically evaluate our program to ensure we are giving students the skills they need to be successful in the equine industry.

Extracurricular Equine Activities
To become proficient in all areas of the equine industry, and to gain a competitive edge for your future career, students are encouraged to seek experience outside of the classroom. This opportunity is essential for your success in the equine field! Find out more about the activities offered to NMSU students.
Extracurricular Equine Activities
Tour the Equine Facilities
NMSU maintains a resident herd of 85-110 horses. We offer on and off campus facilities used daily by students in the horse program.
Equine Options
Equine Science
The science option will prepare students to enter professional school with an emphasis in equine. Many students strive to attend veterinary school or graduate school, and the science option requires coursework that will prepare students for that future.
Equine Industry
The industry option will prepare students to enter the equine industry upon graduation. Advisors work closely with students to help them focus their interests and in many cases find meaningful internships in the equine industry to enhance and develop skills necessary for success in the industry.