Meat Science Program
Welcome to NMSU Meat Science!
We offer teaching, research, extension, and judging opportunities for students, producers, and stakeholders.
Students interested in following a career in the food and meat industry have the opportunity to enroll through the Departments of Animal and Range Sciences (ANRS), in the Animal Science degree, or through the Family and Consumer Sciences Department (FCS) in the Food Science and Technology degree program.
For more information, please contact Dr. Francine Mezzomo Giotto at; 575-646-2492
Meet the Team
Francine Mezzomo Giotto
Francine Mezzomo Giotto is the Meat Science assistant professor at NMSU. She holds a joint appointment serving the departments of Animal and Range Science, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Extension Animal Science and Natural Resources. Francine grew up in Brazil and inspired by her father, who worked for a food-processing company, and her mother, who was an agricultural educator, decided to attend Veterinary School. Upon receiving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree, she completed a master's and a Ph.D. in Animal Production. In 2018, Francine moved to the United States to work on her second Ph.D. this time with an emphasis in Meat Industry and Food Safety. Before joining NMSU in June 2023, she taught in Nevada and Louisiana while also engaging in 4-H and FFA meat, poultry, and livestock judging team activities. Dr. Giotto's research agenda focuses on meat safety with a focus on E. coli and Salmonella-contaminated beef and the conversion and valorization of meat processing waste into value-added products.

Jacob Painter
Jacob Painter is the meat lab manager and head coach of the New Mexico State University Meat Judging Team. He grew up in Northwest New Mexico raising livestock to compete in junior livestock shows and judging on 4H and FFA meats and livestock judging teams. He chose to attend college in Texas as no universities in New Mexico offered collegiate judging opportunities at that time. He attended South Plains College where he judged livestock before transferring to Angelo State University where he competed in collegiate meat judging while earning a degree in Food, Animal Science, and Marketing.

Faculty / Coach Collaborator:
Craig Painter
Craig Painter is the new livestock judging coach at New Mexico State University. He grew up in Northwest New Mexico and has over 35 years of agriculture education experience serving as both a 4-H Agent and Agriculture Teacher at the high school level. Craig trained and prepared countless students to compete in meat evaluation contests at the local, state, and national levels. He has been the New Mexico State FFA meat judging contest superintendent for the past eight years and was responsible for the state 4-H meat judging contest while serving as the 4-H Agriculture and Natural Resources State Specialist. He currently serves as the Livestock Superintendent for the National Western Round-up in Denver.

Course Information
Spring Semester:
ANSC 360 – Meat and Muscle Biology
FSTE 4250/5250 – Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Product Development
Fall Semester:
ANSC 2310 – Introduction to Meat Science
FSTE 490 – Processed Meats
Our research agenda focuses on:
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Meat Science
- Antimicrobial resistance in Agri-Food chain
- Meat Safety with a focus on E. coli and Salmonella-contaminated beef
- Conversion and valorization of meat processing waste into value-added products
Research Collaborators:
- Dr. Luis Sabillon-Galeas
- Dr. Efren Delgado
- Dr. Yanyan Zhang
- Dr. Binata Joddar
- Dr. Patricia Cabrales Arellano
Publications (Selected):
- De Mello, A. S.; Ferguson, B. S.; Shebs-Maurine, E. L.; Giotto, F. M. MicroRNA biogenesis, gene regulation mechanisms, and availability in foods. Non-Coding RNA, v. 10, 52, 2024.
- Giotto, F. M.; Gamage, N. D. H.; Franco, A. M.; Gerrard, D. E.; Fonseca, M. A.; De Mello, A. S. Effects of liquid-based diets with breweries grains enriched with isolated starch and fish oil on veal quality. Meat Science, v. 216, 109592, 2024;
- Guimaráes, L. J.; Zundt, M.; Tsujiguchi, M. P.; Giotto, F. M.; Barbosa, M. J. P. T.; Grandis, F. A.; Silva, I. G.; Periera, M. C. S.; Ribeiro, E. L. A. (2023). The use of condensed tannin in lambs’ diet alters the rumen protozoa population without affecting growth performance. Small Ruminant Research, v. 229, 107122.
- Kawata, K.; Giotto, F. M.; Mello, A. S.; Kingery, T.; Silva, L. H. (2023). Effect of beef silver skin (epimysium) levels on meat emulsion stability, quality attributes, and texture parameters. Foods, v. 12(20), 3775.
- Giotto, F. M.; Grandis, F. A.; Ribeiro, E. L. A.; De Mello, A. S. (2022). Discarded pecan seeds as an alternative feedstuff in lambs diet: Effects on intake, growth performance, carcass weights, and meat quality. Small Ruminant Research, v. 213, 106729.
- Shebs-Maurine, E. L.; Giotto, F. M.; De Mello, A. S. (2022). Effects of MS bacteriophages, ultraviolet light, and organic acid applications on beef trim contaminated with STEC O157:H7 and the “Big Six” serotypes after a simulates High Event Period Scenario. Meat Science, v. 188, 108783.
- Shebs-Maurine, E. L.; Giotto, F. M.; Laidler, S. T.; De Mello, A. S. (2021). Effects of bacteriophages and peroxyacetic acid applications on beef contaminated with Salmonella during different grinding stages. Meat Science, v. 173, 108407.
- Shebs, E. L.; Lukov, M. J.; Giotto, F. M.; Torres, E. S.; De Mello, A. S. (2020). Efficacy of bacteriophage and organic acids in decreasing STEC O157:H7 populations in beef kept under vacuum and aerobic conditions: A simulated High Event Period scenario. Meat Science, v. 162, p. 108023.
- Giotto, F. M.; Fruet, A. P. B.; Nörnberg, J. L.; Calkins, C. R.; De Mello, A. S. (2020). Effects of Muscle and Finishing Diets Containing Distillers Grains with Low Moisture Levels on Fatty Acid Deposition in Two Novel Value-added Beef Cuts. Food Science of Animal Resources, v. 40, p. 484-494.
- Fruet, A. P. B.; Giotto, F. M.; Fonseca, M. A.; Nörnberg, J. L.; De Mello, A. S. (2020). Effects of the Incorporation of Tannin Extract from Quebracho Colorado Wood on Color Parameters, Lipid Oxidation, and Sensory Attributes of Beef Patties. Foods, v. 9, p. 667.
Meat Judging
For more information, please contact Jacob Painter at; 575-646-2514
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Instagram: @nmsumeat