Horsemanship Camp
Summer 2023
Date: June 12 - July 14
Time: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
NMSU Equine Education Center
750 Stewart Street
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Horsemanship camp will concentrate on learning horsemanship skills and techniques, with an emphasis on safety and fun! It will be a great week with lots of time in the saddle. Camp is geared toward youth will include hands on activities learning about equine health, nutrition, anatomy, and how to ride.
NMSU has 20 well-trained, gentle horses suitable for riders ranging in ability from beginning to advanced.
Several camps to choose from:
Level 1 Camp – Geared toward ages 5 – 9. This half-day camp will include learning to groom, tack, and ride horses. Campers will be provided drinks, snacks, and T-shirt.
Level 2 Camp – Geared towards ages 10 – 14. This half-day camp will include learning to groom, tack, and ride horses plus afternoon educationally workshops on equine anatomy and nutrition. Campers will be provided drinks, snacks, and T-shirt.
Level 3 Camp – Geared towards ages 10 -14 with previous riding experience that are able to jog independently. This exciting new camp will teach games and competition such as barrel racing, pole bending, and fun gymkhana games where campers can improve their skills in steering and loping. Campers will be provided drinks, snacks, and T-shirt. Campers have the opportunity to bring their own horse or use one of ours. If you plan to bring your own horse, please contact us before registering so we ensure we have enough space and can reserve a stall.
Registration: Online registration available to be paid with credit card or the mailing of a check.
Fee: $350 per camp (snacks, drinks, T-shirt, horse, and all equipment provided)
- Level 1 Camp | June 12 - 16 | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- Ages: 5 - 9
- Deadline and checks by: June 5 at 5 PM
- Level 2 Camp | June 26 - 30 | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- Ages: 10 - 14
- Deadline and checks by: June 19 at 5 PM
- Level 3 Gymkhana Camp | July 10 - 14 | 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- Ages: 10 - 14
- Deadline and checks by: July 3 at 5 PM
- Note: Must have previously attended a camp or have previous riding experience and able to jog unassisted.
MAIL your check payment to address below. Make checks payable to NMSU. Checks must be received by one week prior to the start of camp.
Refunds: Requests must be received in writing to Hannah Bilovesky at by July 7.

New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.
ATTN: Hannah Bilovesky
NMSU-ACES | Animal and Range Sciences Department
MSC 3I, PO Box 30003
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Phone: 575-646-2929