Alexander "Sam" Fernald

Title: Professor of Watershed Management and Director, Water Resources Research Institute
Major Field of Interest: Water quality hydrology
Office Phone: 575-646-1041
Office Location: Knox Hall 316
New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute
New Mexico State University (Stucky Hall)
MSC 3167, P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Ph: 575-646-4337, Fax: 575-646-6418
B.A., International Relations, Stanford University, 1987
M.E.M., Water Resources Management, Duke University,1993
Ph.D., Watershed Science, Colorado State University, 1997
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow, US EPA, 1997-2000
Courses Taught:
RGSC 318 Watershed Management
RGSC 518 Interdisciplinary Modeling
RGSC 518 Watershed Methods and Measurements
WS 319 Land Use and Water Quality
RGSC/HORT 302G Forestry and Society
RGSC 515 Range Science Graduate Seminar
Research interests:
Surface water-groundwater interactions
Integrated human and natural systems
Runoff and water quality processes
Forest management effects on water yield and watershed health
Ecohydrology of rangelands
Regional water budgets
Groundwater management institutions