Zachary Rogers

Zach Roger 1

Title: College Instructor/Herbarium
Major Field of Interest: Curation, digitization and management of natural history collections
Office Phone: 575-646-1529
Office Location: Biology Annex

Research Gate

B.S., Biology, University of Missouri - Columbia, 1999
M.S., Biology, Plant Systematics, Ecology, and Evolution, University of Missouri at Saint Louis, 2003

Courses Taught:
RGSC 316 Rangeland Plants (Lecture and Laboratory)

Research Interests:
Curation, digitization, and management of natural history collections
Plant systematics, taxonomy, nomenclature
Fieldwork, collecting biodiversity, floristic inventories
Floras of the Southwestern United States and adjacent Northern Mexico
Systematics of several angiosperm plant groups: Thymelaeaceae, Weinmannia, African and Malagasy Garcinia, Santalales, etc.
Flora of Madagascar and its biodiversity conservation
Molecular phylogenetics of Thymelaeaceae and Tepuianthus
Plant anatomy (e.g., Light Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, etc.)
Vegetation/spp. analysis via GIS

Zach Rogers 2