Undergraduate Degree Programs
in Animal and Range Sciences
The Department of Animal and Range Sciences offer two Bachelor of Science degrees, Animal Science and Range Science, in which students can major:
All programs are designed to offer a wide array of coursework that provides scientific, technical, and practical experience in a real-world setting. The department is very hands-on with farms and animals located right on campus. Several options exist to specialize and concentrate your field of study, including the companion animal and equine emphasis areas in animal science.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine
The Department of Animal and Range Sciences offers a pre-professional program in Pre-Veterinary Medicine. New Mexico State University participates in the WICHE program. Many of our students attend veterinary school in one of the three WICHE Colleges offering a degree in Veterinary Medicine after completing their undergraduate degree at NMSU.
Animal and Range Sciences - Pre-Vet
The Department of Animal and Range Sciences offers these minor options for students in alternate majors.